The Arizer V-Tower Dry Herb Desktop Vaporizer is the ultimate economical choice for getting the most out of your dry herb. With its 360 degree Whip System and Cyclone Bowl™, you'll experience the tastiest vapor ever. Enjoy the 3’ Whip attachment for smooth vapor delivery and convenient 360° Swivel Action. Plus, its pure convection heating and precise temperature control make for efficient and tasty vapor every time.
- Desktop vaporizer
- For dry herb or aromatherapy
- Convection heating
- Ceramic heating element
- Precise digital temp control
- Custom settings
- High quality silicone hose
- Easy to clean
The Arizer V-Tower Dry Herb Desktop Vaporizer is the ultimate economical choice for getting the most out of your dry herb. With its 360 degree Whip System and Cyclone Bowl™, you'll experience the tastiest vapor ever. Enjoy the 3’ Whip attachment for smooth vapor delivery and convenient 360° Swivel Action. Plus, its pure convection heating and precise temperature control make for efficient and tasty vapor every time.
- Desktop vaporizer
- For dry herb or aromatherapy
- Convection heating
- Ceramic heating element
- Precise digital temp control
- Custom settings
- High quality silicone hose
- Easy to clean