Indulge in the luxurious experience of Arizer Extreme Q Dry Herb Desktop Vaporizer. With its carefully sourced, high quality components, this original hybrid vaporizer offers a worry-free vapor experience. Fill balloons or inhale directly with the whip. Plus, convenient remote control access to your favorite presets. Elevate your vaping game now.
- Desktop vaporizer
- For dry herb or aromatherapy
- Convection heating
- Ceramic heating element
- 3-Speed fan for balloon system
- Precise digital temp control
- Custom settings
- Includes remote control
- Fill balloons or use silicone whip
- Easy to clean
Indulge in the luxurious experience of Arizer Extreme Q Dry Herb Desktop Vaporizer. With its carefully sourced, high quality components, this original hybrid vaporizer offers a worry-free vapor experience. Fill balloons or inhale directly with the whip. Plus, convenient remote control access to your favorite presets. Elevate your vaping game now.
- Desktop vaporizer
- For dry herb or aromatherapy
- Convection heating
- Ceramic heating element
- 3-Speed fan for balloon system
- Precise digital temp control
- Custom settings
- Includes remote control
- Fill balloons or use silicone whip
- Easy to clean